I'm feelin it.
I'm feelin like jumping back on the blogging train.
But for now
and foremost
I must tell you
my heart is broken.
I have a sweet friend that has recently returned from China with her two newest additions.
First adoption(s).
And she is struggling.
We were just discussing how we appreciate honesty and transparency in this process.
And I think most of us strive to give an accurate picture of what this journey is like but
(tell me if I'm wrong...)
I think we tend to hold back a bit for fear of scaring other people away from adoption.
I think we tend to hold back for fear of looking like a failure.
I think we tend to hold back because of pride
or jealousy
or so many reasons.
After all, no one really wants to sit down and say, "Let me fill my blog up with a post all about just how crappy my day was today."
And though we know that we all do need to have a bit of perspective when it comes to such things we also all know that perspective tends to leave you in the dust when you are in the trenches.
Can I get a witness?
Perspective means nothing at 2am when you are holding a screaming toddler.
It means nothing when your 6 year old is biting, kicking and spitting in your face for the 16th time today.
Perspective means nothing when you are faced with the reality of parenting the child that you stared at for months in a photograph only to find out what you envisioned in your head is so soooo far from reality.
When you are in it
you can't see it.
And the result of that more often than not are exhausted, overwhelmed newly adoptive parents scattered across this nation who manage to drag themselves to the computer looking for comfort, turn it on, and are faced with glowing stories and heavily edited photos totally erasing any remnant of a sink full of dirty dishes, the 3 day unshowered hair and the still- adjusting older siblings.
Don't get me wrong, I love me some cute photos(hello girl mom's.....you're killin me) but it's almost like we all need to take one day and really let it out.
I know we have talked about this before but I have an idea and I wondered if you could help me out.
Could we all just bare our ugly truth for a moment?
Could we just take a moment and encourage my friend and the hundreds like her that are in the thick of it right now?
Could we tell them the ugly-messy-overwhelming-beautiful truth of this?
Could we stand alongside her and proclaim:
Do you have a blog post that you wrote last week? Last month? Last year when you were in her shoes? Could you share it with her? Could you share it with all of us?
If I had some technical wherewithal I'd do a little linky thingamajig but I don't,
so I won't.
So if you would like to share your story just leave your post link in the comments,
or even if you've never been there and want to leave her some encouragement go ahead do that too.
Like water to a weary soul.
It's sisterhood.
It's solidarity.
It's standing beside the hurting and saying,
"I've been there and ya know what? It's gonna be ok."
Let's bring it.
I'll start:
Something to Say ‘Yes’ To
1 day ago