Our God is in the miracle making business....well, he's really in the saving grace business but that's another post. Today I witnessed what has become one of the biggest miracles I have ever seen with my own piddly little human eyes.
Today they said yes.
Today they said that yes, Joey and kiddo #2 that we fell in love with months ago, before we even knew they were the same age, or in the same orphanage
are in the same foster home
oh, and wait.....
they are best friends.
In all of China, in all of their province, in all of their orphanage, in all of their shared foster home...they are best buds.
Be still my heart.
Only God.
So now we wait. I have calls in to our agency about where we go from here. As I mentioned in the previous post about this unfolding miracle, kiddo #2 has been pulled off of the shared list because he was a participant in another agency's camp. So we have some work and finagling to do.
But we are up for the challenge.
So yes, he's in the miracle making business.
We know.
We believe it.
And oh baby have we ever seen it.
Psalm 119:105 "You're Word is lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. 109 Though I constantly take my life in my hands, I will not forget Your law.111 Your statues are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart.112 My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end."
Amazing, nuff said.
ReplyDeleteWow! So excited to see what happens next!
ReplyDeleteI cannot wait to Miracle Boy #6's picture is on that sidebar. Joseph is so handsome and can't wait to see his best bud!! I have chills. :)