Tuesday, March 6, 2012


To have been asked to contribute to No Hands But Ours. 

My first post is up today if you want to check it out
and barring a severe case of bloggers block
I will be contributing once a month.

And seriously, have you seen the changes that Stefanie has made over there recently? I got lost all up in that site for hours yesterday, so much great information!

If you are thinking about adoption I highly recommend checking out the lists of needs over there. You can find that link here. She has matched the specific need with lists of families blogs that have children with that specific diagnosis and additionally there is some great description and illustration on a whole host of special needs. Truly a remarkable resource for families.

Happy reading!
I'm off to pretend like I am not sitting by the phone as today the local cardiologist should be receiving that echo tape from last year.

Anybody seen my chocolate?

1 comment:

  1. Look at you go girl! I'm so excited to see you're bloggin' for NHBO!!! :) Woot woot!
    Oh, and your chocolate is residing at my house while I await our LOA's. ;-)
    Hang in there momma!! We're praying for Joey and God's watchin' out for him. :)
