Two days after arriving in Jinan we were once again packing up and heading to the airport to fly to Guangzhou.
Ahhhh the ignorance of what I was about to encounter was such a gift.
I cannot recollect the entire series of events because truly.....
they were just that terrifying.
But suffice it to say, mid-flight I was really convinced that we were all about to go see Jesus.
I began to wonder if the journey would be shorter for us since....ya know....we were already up in the air.
Distance between a cruising altitude of 33,000 feet and Heaven anyone?
Yeah. I don't know either.
To say it was incredibly turbulent is to say that the Titanic got a teensy bit wet.
It was more than turbulence.
It was more like the pilots were playing candy crush whilst the plane was being tossed violently back and forth like a pendulum.
Mid-flight Lori even looked over her shoulder at me with a look of death and asked if I was ok.
When we landed she admitted that "that was pretty rough" I know it's not just me being....ya know....a big wimp.
I tried to distract myself by blaring praise and worship music into my headphones and pretending to be able to read the Chinese newspaper from the seat back in front of me.
But all that did was confuse me.....
Eventually.....after 3 hours.....we landed....
and I exhaled for the first time in well....3 hours.
The promised land.
The Garden Hotel.
We had arrived.
T minus 11 hours till the breakfast buffet opens.
Five Fresh Ways to Style a Cropped Denim Jacket
21 hours ago
I laughed out loud at some of these posts. I've enjoyed them very much. Thanks for sharing this trip with me. It made me think of our landing in Hong Kong. After thinking we, too, were going to die, my husband looked over after the successful landing and said, "I think we got the rookie pilot."
I think I'm going to "see Jesus", before you blog again!
ReplyDeleteI hope your writing skills.
Hi Sonia, I didn't find your email address, so I thought I would contact you through posting on your blog instead (no need to publish this). I really enjoyed reading your blog and wanted to invite you to a multi-authored adoption encouragement book to help moms who have recently adopted and may feel "in the trenches". If you are interested please send me an email and I'll send you more info. My email address is Thank you and God bless you, Nicole
ReplyDeleteHi! Maybe that’s high time that you can help orphans in Ukraine. If you are interested, the link to the ministry is … Sorry for my commenting here