Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I-800A Submission Day!

In all of the excitement of last week I forgot to blog the big I-800A day!

We drove an hour and a half up to our home study agency to pick up the completed home study and then right over to Fed Ex. I pulled Jordan out of school for the day so he and I could have a special day together.....unless you are one of his teachers reading this....in which case he was sick at home all day that day. And I most certainly did not take him up there with me and out to lunch
where he proceeded to eat a sandwich the size of his head..

and to Barnes & Noble to pick out a new book.


Not me.

I would never do such an irresponsible thing.

Here is me sweating nervously as I checked and re-checked that packet of papers 8 gajillion times hoping I hadn't screwed anything up.

Fed Ex lady and I had a moment where she was trying to take the packet from me and I wouldn't let go.
It was a moment of tug o' war. I was trying with all that is within me to quell the urge to check it all just one more time.

She won.

I have no upper body strength.

All in all, a good day. A big step of a day.


  1. I seriously love your writing! Glad you got it sent and had a great day with Jordan!

  2. Doesn't it feel SO good to have that mountain of papers out of your life! One HUGE step, my friend!!
    And what a cool mom you are to take Jordan with you - good opportunity for some mom time!! I'll have to learn a thing or two from you.

  3. Yippee! That is one huge hurdle crossed.

