The flowers are blooming
The AC is running.
The electric bill is rising.
And the kids are spending more time in swim trunks than out.
All of that can only mean one thing.
Moving trucks.
Moving trucks by the truckload are going to begin to appear around the 'hood soon.
And this year
one will be showing up in our driveway.....again.
Time to find the houseplants a new home.
Time to pawn the fish off on the neighbors.
Time to get your head and your heart ready to say goodbye.
We found out our next assignment last week.
It's sunny,
it has a beach
white sand
and a palm tree or 12.
Bummed to be leaving behind some amazing friends and an incredible church?
Oh yeah.
By last count, our impending move in a matter of weeks will be our 9th state in 13 years.
It is such a fine line to walk in this life.
Trying so very hard not to prematurely disconnect from the life we have here.
The life we will still have for a few more weeks....
yet all the while preparing for what's next.
Where is the nearest Target at our new locale.
You know,
the important things.
Saying goodbye ~ not my favorite.
Saying hello to a totally new group of people when you don't know a single soul in the entire state ~ also not my favorite.
Jacob and Joey don't know about the move yet.
We are having some new friends over for dinner on Saturday who are fluent in Mandarin so we will begin to discuss it then.
I'm pretty sure the adoption books don't recommend uprooting your newly adopted children into a new home and new environment a few short months after coming home.
but on the flip side.....what a great lesson in cementing the fact that
7 more weeks of home school.
6 more weeks of school for the little kids.
1 more baseball season to wrap up
and then before I know it
a group of men I have never met before will knock on my door at 7am and begin packing up our worldly possessions.
Ever had a stranger pack up your underwear drawer?
You should try it.
Good times.
Good times.
As for our adoption future
I think it can best be described by this

Pre-Adoption I would have thought that we absolutely would be going back.
Post-Adoption I have to say that our family feels very, very complete to the both of us.
However and I do say a big
our prayer is that He will lead us to what we can be doing to still care for the orphan.
Because though we feel at complete peace with where we are at in our family now doesn't mean our hearts aren't still crying out for those left behind and our hands are eager to serve in some way.
What that way looks like exactly is up to Him.
Ever just opened up your arms and your heart to God and said,
Your will be done.
Whatever you would have of me.
Total & Complete Surrender.
Smack dab in the center of His will.
Just where I want to be
no matter where in the world the AF sends us.
Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and the vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that."
James 4:13-15
ReplyDeleteI don't know exactly what state the AF is sending you to, but if they are sending you to FL, please contact me via my blog (you can leave a comment with your e-mail and I won't publish it). We live near an AFB and also just brought home two boys from China (though ours are a bit older). I found your blog from my good friend at I would love to help you plug in to the homeschool community, church and other things if you are moving to our area.
Praying for this change again in your family's lives. I'm glad you don't have to do the packing with six kiddos to take care of. Just remember, your bloggy friends will always be here no matter where you live! :)
ReplyDeleteI hope that the move will go smoothly and that it does not hinder the healing or delay advice because your a smart chicka and will be on the watch for anxiety manifested as behavioral issues....Hmm..that almost sounds like advice doesn't it? I suppose its just habit to sneak a suggestion in with a sentence, comes natural being a mama and all! I'll just be praying for a smooth transition and that your undies don't end up in Maine or something!
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you are going through...been there done that as many times as you have! Poor Claire has lived in 3 different homes/states in the 2 years she has been with us! Caleb has lived in 2 and he has been with us 1 year! Claire gets anxious each time things start getting packed. We constantly reassure her that her stuff is going too. Once she sees her stuff boxed up too she relaxes but not until then.
ReplyDeleteHey, maybe we will have to come visit you and see some sand and palm trees..our area is severely lacking in those 2 things!
Praying for you! God has a plan, right?!? :) Can't wait to hear how you like your new duty station!
ReplyDeleteAwe...that is the verse I used in our move blog!!! It is a good one!
ReplyDeleteSo sad we didn't hang out more. I know we will see each other again. Life is funny that way.
This former Army wife and now expat gets it.
ReplyDeleteLove your attitude.
And hey ... if there is a Target nearby ... really ... what can you complain about?
That will be our second stop during our State side summer visit ... right after we see the grandparents of course!
Love your prayer. Here I am. That's all he asks.
Cannot wait to hear where you are heading? CA? FLA? Hawaii?
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Friends are totally overrated. At least that's what I'm telling myself as I am struggling to find my niche in our new town. Sigh... I mean really, after having you as a friend it leaves my standards pretty darn high.
ReplyDeleteAs for the underwear drawer issue. This last time I got smart and put all my unmentionables in big ziplock baggies so they just have to move the bags and I don't get the heebie geebies when I watch them packing them. ;-)
Darn. I was hoping you were moving to NW Kansas. Population 3,000.
ReplyDeleteNo Target. But we do have a Pamida!!!!!
As I sit on the beach this week I do have to say I'm a little jealous. And with your attitude and out look on life I know you will do great anywhere. I'm glad we'll still get to chat through bloggyland.
: )
Good luck with the move. We'll keep you encouraged!!
by the way: thanks for the comment on my sweet boy. you always make my day. : )
Where is the closets Target is exactly what I ask Tina when we showed up with our stuff in San Antonio. :)