Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Paying it Forward.

We were so,
blessed by friends and strangers alike as we were fundraising and getting ready to bring Jacob and Joey home.
John and I will never, never, ever forget the love and giving that was poured out on us during that time.
That experience will forever change the way that we give.
And now we get the opportunity each month to pay that love forward to families that are getting ready to bring their kiddos home.
All of that to say you simply must go here

so loved

and meet Poppy & Esther.
If I ever wanted to jump on ovah to the girl aisle these two faces would certainly push me in that direction!
They are precious and will soon be a part of one big Jesus-lovin family!
Go check it out and see how you can make a difference to these two!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the sad faces turns into smiles!!

    Thanks for the direction!
