Today is April 2nd, 2011.
Today is Joey's 7th birthday.
Sometime around this day,
maybe a few days or weeks before....
maybe a few days or weeks after....
only God and his birth mother know...
a little boy was born in China.
Today that boy turned 7
at home
in America.
Oh how my heart longs to be able to pick up the phone and tell her that he is ok.
His heart is fixed.
He is healthy.
He is happy.
He is incredibly handsome.
Every night before my kiddos birthdays I innundate their rooms with streamers.
As in
As in, can't get out of bed and have to fight your way through the web of streamers streamers.
Since it was Joey's first time I took it easy on him....didn't want to freak the kid out should he need to go potty in the middle of the night or somethin.
Late last night I prepared the standard decorated breakfast table that awaited him in the morning.
He woke up, giggling all the way down the stairs,
took in all that awaited him at the table,
ooooo'd and ahhhh'd over the bday tablecloth, decorations, his special Phineas and Ferb plate
it was supah cute....
only there was one problem....
Do you see those three wrapped gifts?
He had
No stinkin idea of the concept of a gift.
A wrapped gift.
A gift you can open.
That is for you.
My youngest,
my baby,
had not, in 7 years of life on this earth
ever been given a present.
So I swallowed my tears and we gave him the down low on the fact that there is something inside those boxes and that it is for him.
And the result?
Well, I'll just let you look and see.
Happy birthday baby boy!
You are so loved!
Midlife is Messy, But You Are Not a Mess
1 day ago
Happy birthday, Joey! It is hard to even think about the fact he had no idea about receiving a gift. Not anymore sweet boy, not anymore! I just can't imagine that his smile does not melt your heart everytime you see it.
All I have to say is that he (and the rest of the "J"'s have an AWESOME Mom and Dad!! How sweet!!
Happy Birthday Joey!! So glad that this year he will learn what being loved is really like.
ReplyDeleteOOOhhh, Happy Birthday Joey! This wonderful blog post made me feel so sad and so happy at the same time. Your boys, all of them, are truly blessed! You are too!
ReplyDeleteThis was such a beautiful post! The pictures are precious.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday sweet boy.
ReplyDeleteThat was awesome! And you are the most awesome mom!!
Happy Birthday Joey!!
Happy Birthday kiddo!
ReplyDeleteBTW mom do you know what that 'L" thing means that he is doing?...maybe I am the only mom that didn't know...our son says it means "I'm cool!" as in 'one cool dude'
I have tears in my eyes with that post. What a difference you have made in Joey's life ( and him in yours I am sure) but because of your obedience, your sacrifice, your love Joey will never spend another birthday giftless. You have brought such joy and blessing into his life....I am rambling, but it just convinces me of the redemption that adoption brings!
ReplyDeleteI love the picture with you & Joey!!! Happy Birthday to your sweet little boy!
ReplyDeleteWOW! Love everything about this post. Love all the photos ... especially the one of Joey and his Mama.
ReplyDeleteLove & Blessings from Hong Kong,
This is the first time I have been on your blog but WOW! Just look at that smile! It says it all.
ReplyDeleteI love love love love your blog and the changes in your family and the boys lives. He will be OK, he will struggle and you will pick him UP....