I am finding that Joshua's adoption is
so much
Different than Jacob and Joey's.
Because this time around
I'm feelin it.
I feel the fear.
It threatens to seize me daily.
Will we reach him in time?
Will the doctors firm warnings about possible brain damage from his chronically low oxygen levels be true?
Will he recover?
Will he be operable?
Will he survive an operation?
Will there be complications?
Will he have a stroke before we arrive due to his ridiculously high hemoglobin levels?
Will our lives be all about the PICU for days?
Will we reach him in time?
Will we reach him in time?
Will we reach him in time?
It grips me.
And I'm not gonna lie.
It's a battle.
A daily battle.
Jacob & Joey's adoptions were so much more about
what cute pj's I could send them in their care package,
when I might get some new pictures of them
should I have sent them the spider man puzzle instead of toy story? .
But this go round?
I am consumed with,
"Lord keep that heart beating."
"Lord thin out that blood."
"Lord let us love him."
I look at pictures like this that were taken about the time he became paper ready for adoption
and I think to myself.......what if we had reached him then?
Years ago.
What if
What if
What if.
Obviously each case of adoption brings it's own joys and struggles.
You worry whether your new baby will take a bottle from you.
You worry whether your toddler will throw a knock down drag out tantrum upon meeting you.
You worry whether your older child will accept you.
You worry whether your dying child will survive until you arrive.
It comes with the adoptive territory.
But it's overcoming that worry and fear that is critical.
I tend to visit the fear and worry
but I don't live there.
I don't snuggle up on it's sofa with a cup of tea and let it speak to me.
I'd rather sit on Someone else's sofa and let Him speak to me.
and let Him pour out his peace and His wisdom that He has gone before us in this.
He knows.
I don't.
And you know what?
That's fine with me.
It overtakes it
it destroys it
it beats the ever lovin snot out of it.
And because of that
I rest.
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:13
For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
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