You guys amaze me with your un-ending support.
You have no idea how uplifted and encouragement we feel by all of you.
Therefore, encourage each other and strengthen one another as you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
It's so Thessalonica-ish of you! {Ha, I just made up a word}
Or is it Paul-ish of you since he wrote the book of Thessalonians?
I dunno.
The plan is that John and Jordan and maybe Jason-who isn't sure he wants to do that plane ride again and I can't say I blame him- will go and pick up our little Mr.
{who really needs a name by the way}.
John and I will high five and tag team in the airport when he lands with him
at which point
John will go home and sleep off the jet lag
and I will go directly from the airport to the hospital with little man.
It's in that moment
on that day
that we will know.
He will either be a candidate for surgery after they run their tests
he won't.
We have had his file reviewed by the heads of cardiology at a few different hospitals including Boston Childrens,
if you have a kiddo with a sick heart
Boston Children's is where you need to be.
We kept getting the same answer.
There is no way to know.
They need certain tests done,
they need more information.
Too many unknowns for them to tell us how this will go.
we have tremendous peace about that.
We are either going to be bringing home a child that can be helped by modern medicine
we are going to be bringing home a child that we will love, laugh and have life with for as long as we are blessed to have him.
No idea.
But peace nonetheless.
I'm not gonna lie.
This is a lot.
A lot
a lot.
There is a tremendous amount of things going on right now in our family.
We have some big adjustments ahead
but really
None of our reasons would ever be reason enough to leave this little boy to die alone.
So we press on toward the goal that God has called us to and we do so no matter the trials knowing He is right there with us.
He has gone ahead of us in this.
We are doing what He has asked of us.
He knows precisely how all of this will play out.
And that,
THAT is what I cling to.
{and chocolate. I cling to chocolate. But not near as much as I cling to Jesus}
Just FYI.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27
Lent + Midlife
13 hours ago
You two are awesome - so excited to watch this all unfold!
ReplyDeleteSticking with the "j" theme, Jeremy is a great name! If you need anything, support, help, shoulder to cry on...just call! Impressed and awed by your Love. Praying for your new little guy...I'll just call him Jeremy until you pick a name...;)
ReplyDeleteThoughts and prayers are with you on this amazing journey! And I'm thinking Joshua is a great name...according to the website I checked, it means "Jehovah is Salvation". How perfect for this perfect little boy!!
ReplyDeleteok-- i like the names josiah and joshua (i covet joshua- as if we ever had another boy- that would be his name)
ReplyDeleteOur God is God of miracles and He is sooooooo into the details and small stuff- He has it all figured out- just rest in that He is in control and enjoy the ride-- and i do mean enjoy-- with ben- we too were told he might not make it home-- and yet we moved forward and felt such peace- and we got to see first hand God's mighty power- i was awe struck. and i was beyond humbled that he chose little ole us to be a part of his miracle. thank God for trusting you with this- and just watch Him do his thang
Sonia, I just love you.
ReplyDeleteYou have such a wonderful heart!
ReplyDeleteOn the name about Josiah? ;)
I am in awe of you, proud of you, praising God for this little boy, and envious all at the same time. Way to go John & Sonia! I can't wait to follow your journey. I'll be praying every step of the way.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, a good 'J' suggestion: Jaden, which means, "God has heard".
Or, Jeffrey, which means "gift of peace".
Your story is reflecting God's Heart like crazy. May He continue to be glorified in HUGE ways as it continues! Praising God and Praying for YOU and your little Mr.!
ReplyDeleteAs for J names, we have Jonah so I am partial to that one. Also love Jude!
After reading this post, Sonia, the first thing that comes to my mind is: Oh, how this must make Jesus so happy!
ReplyDeleteJust the thought makes my heart swell! :)
Joshua also means God rescues. If you end up in Boston, that is not far. We may be there together?
ReplyDeleteWhat a journey when you know you are walking in God's will. The peace that passes understanding is an amazing thing, no?
I like the name goes along with all of your precious J's
ReplyDeleteMicah 6:8
He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
...and that is exactly what you and your family are doing.
Blessings on you and your family as you step out in faith!
Lori King
Seriously...Goosebumps. Such a leap of faith. Praying praying praying some more!!!
Wow you guys are amazing! I hope little man gets home soon! (:
ReplyDeleteFor a J name i like Jude.
Josiah (the Lord saves)
ReplyDeleteHow difficult it is to love and possibly let go? Yes how much more difficult to not allow yourself to love? You are a brave woman. I think I'm too selfish and too much of an emotional mom to take that step. God Bless You and Your Family.
ReplyDeleteLook forward to following your new journey. I agree Josiah sounds good and the meaning is perfect!
ReplyDeleteWow. You amaze me - your faith, your obedience. Praise the Lord for what He is doing in you and through you (and your family). Your words are so encouraging. I will join with all the others in prayer for precious little J. God bless you.
ReplyDelete- Stephanie
You are simply awe inspiring. Prayers are with you each and every day as you begin yet another amazing journey. God is great.
ReplyDeletecongratulations! Praying for you tonight.
Just catching up on some blogging. You know 10 kids makes it harder to blog!!! Never thought it would but boy did it!!!
ReplyDeleteI have been eyeing and praying for this little one myself for a long time. So glad he is going to your beautiful family! So glad he will get a chance at this life and knowing Jesus!!
Awesome. This is just so awesome. I can't imagine how overwhelming it must feel, but there is nothing like a peace from the Lord.
ReplyDeleteAnd I have 3 J names at my house.
Joshua--God is our salvation
Josiah--God will save
Jonathan--God has given (another son, some explanations add)
Can't wait to hear what the Lord has picked for your son's name!
WOw! I have seen his picture numerous times on Jean's site and prayed for him. SO EXCITED to see he is coming home. He is a cutie! Praying for his health. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!! I will be praying for all the adjustments in your home and for travel and health issues. To God be the glory! Thank you for answering His call for this little one!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite J name is Jamison
ReplyDeleteAmazing. Your story reminds me of how The Dream Giver continues to grow our dreams to make His needs as we walk in obdience. You are such an inspiration.
ReplyDeleteJosiah ... "God will save" sounds like a pretty special name for a very special boy!
Praying from Hong Kong,
Wow! An another amazing story of how God is working today in the lives of his precious children. We are in the midst of being matched with a boy with heart desease. In canada we get matched by our agency and I was afraid of what kind of issues we would face, hoping that his heart would be repaired already or just having a mild condition. When I read of your unconditional acceptance of your son, knowing the seriousness of his condition, I am humbled by your obedience to God. Wow, again. Praying for your family and for your little boy in china. May he be able to share the love of your family and get the medical attention he
Sonia, I am 90 min. from Boston and take two of my girls (adopted from China) there for cardiac care. Both have pretty severe hearts. One was able to have a full repair, one has a fontan. If you have any questions about Children's, the doctors there, the area, or heart defects, please don't hesitate to contact me. :) I know Jean...and I am so excited that you are adopting this little guy. My email address is:
ReplyDeleteOK - I am so late to the party in witnessing your faithfu,l obedient, and amazing news!!!!! WOW! and congratulations!!!!! What a blessing to see your faith in action!!!!! I will be praying for speedy approvals, and life saving news for #7!!!!! And, just maybe I will see you in Guangzhou!!! We are about 8 weeks away from meeting #4 and I absolutely can't wait to see what God has planned for us! Thank you for sharing your very special family here!!!! My prayer is that He will orchestrate ALL of the details so you can bring him home soon!!!!!! ~Diana