Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We Had Dinner With Joey & Jacob Last Night

As we were setting the table for dinner last night Jordan went over to the buffet and grabbed one of the photos of the boys and brought it over and deposited it right next to him at the table.

And this momma's heart smiled. 

The boys have been excited about the adoptions from day one and it has been remarkable to see them....of their own accord....ask some really insightful questions or just do little things like bring their photo to the table.


Joey and Jacob then took turns sitting by everyone.....except Jason who was snuggled up on the chair not feeling so was just pure sweetness and made me realize yet again how much we are all looking forward to seeing them live and in person at that table, no longer just a few photos,
but forever our sons.

And please do be envious of both the fine china we dined off of last night and the menu selection of parmesan pasta, chips and hot dogs. 
It's all 5 star around here people.
High class.
All the time.

Oh and don't forget! I'm in the "Followers" War with Emily until Friday at which point I'll also draw names for a winner out of my followers!
I decided the prize will be a $15 donation in the winners name to An Orphans Wish!
So clicky, clicky! Follow, follow!

1 comment:

  1. I know you know this.....but, your boys are so sweet!!
    I can't believe how perfect this whole adoption/family/brother thing is going to be for you guys.
