Today I witnessed a miracle unfold.
And stood beside a team of physicians that were left speechless.
I know that I am not even going to begin to do this justice but I am going to try
because so many prayers were brought before the throne on his behalf that I want to aim to show you how The Great Physician has healed our son.
But seriously
if you are a cardiologist
or are married to a cardiologist
or if you play a cardiologist on TV
try not to laugh too hard at my inadequacies in explaining.
I am a medical idiot....this I already know.
His diagnosis was/is Tetrology of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia.
What they expected to find was a stunted pulmonary valve that wasn't working properly and a whole host of tiny little collaterals or "branches" that his heart had created in a valiant effort to get blood flow and oxygen to his lungs.
The collaterals and what they looked like, how big they were
and where they were was of great concern.
Namely the question of if they were going to be big enough and functioning enough to group together or if they were not.
This was our mountain.
In addition there was the question of the pressures in each of his chambers of his heart and his lungs.
Because even if they could group together and form a functioning artery out of these collaterals the presence of pulmonary hypertension would have made him still inoperable.
That was our other mountain.
But God.
Oh. but. God.
He is bigger.
So, so much bigger.
The result of today?
The report of the cath he had done in China at 9 months when they deemed him inoperable
was wrong.
Very wrong.
Correct diagnosis.....
Which left the question of how then was his body oxygenating.....albeit poorly....his body.
A duct.
The duct.
The duct that closes shortly after you are born.
The duct that should have closed after he was born.
The duct that can easily be closed surgically after birth in kiddos just like Joey who had that exact procedure done in his ASD/VSD/Patent DUCTUS arterious(PDA) repair.
The duct that they have to use meds for in certain cases of heart newborns to keep that duct open
remained open in Joshua for 7 1/2 years.
No medication.
No intervention.
None but the hand of Almighty God.
That open duct should have closed at birth and thus ended his life soon after.
It didn't.
giving him life.
THAT is how he was moving oxygenated blood around.
In addition the artery's that they said looked good on the echo looked indeed fantastic.
Amazing actually that since they have had virtually no blood flow (as blood was being mis-routed elsewhere) they are in perfect condition.
Heart valves gain strength and form from training so to speak.
The correct volume of blood flowing through them over time creates the needed space.
He had no flow going through there
yet they remain.
Just waiting for the day when the hand of a surgeon here will put them to use for the very first time.
And his pressures?
Miraculously normal in every way.
They have never seen this.
It is a miracle in the truest sense of the word.
So the plan.
The new plan is that he will remain here in the PICU until Monday when they will operate.
They will patch his large VSD, close that duct and form an artificial shunt to direct the blood around his non-functioning pulmonary artery and out into the aorta...or the lungs....or wherever the heck it is supposed to was around this point that I couldn't absorb any more info and all that was ringing in my ears was
Glory to God.
Open heart surgery
But a whole heck of a lot less risk and unknown.
We stand amazed.
and overwhelmed by the love of our Creator.
Our Healer.
Our Savior.
Praise you Lord.
Something to Say ‘Yes’ To
2 days ago
Crying tears of joy, of thankfulness... and so amazed at HIM...
ReplyDeleteThank you Sonia and John for stepping out in faith...
I am so amazed but yet somehow not surprised. What an incredible God we serve! He can do anything and will to achieve His purpose. What an amazing testimony!
ReplyDeleteThank you Lord. The almighty physician. He wanted Joshua to have a family. He deserves to be healthy and to have you as his mommy. Amen!
ReplyDeleteA song comes to mind, What a mighty God we serve, what a mighty God we serve, angels bow before him, heaven and earth adore him, what a mighty God we serve!!! Praising God for his mighty work being done.. Giving HIM all the glory!!!
ReplyDeleteYour little miracle!!! Just think of the WONDERFUL story you have to tell this precious little man one day!! I never imagined being so happy for a family I have never even met..But here I am and there you are! :) SO HAPPY FOR YOU ALL!!
ReplyDeleteGreatest news ever!
ReplyDeleteIn your earlier words: WOOOO HOOOOOO!!
ReplyDeleteWonderful explanation after a very long day. I cannot wait until we see Joshua's pink lips AND toes AND fingers.
ReplyDeleteNow isn't that just like our God to orchestrate every last detail all in His perfect timing?? There will never be any doubt that Joshua's story and his life flow from the hand of God. I stand amazed at His work!
What else do I say?
ReplyDeleteI am back here only two hours later and I'm so happy to see what else you had to say!
Praise God! All Glory to God! Our wonderful creator and HEALER!! made me cry again.
And I'm so thankful that Joshua has you and John for his new Mama and Baba!!!
ReplyDeleteYES! YES! YES!
Faithful God, oh what plans He has in store for this boy, His rescued one. His Joshua! Think of the smile on His face tonight, oh Sonia the Lord is beaming, like a proud daddy, who has known all along, waited for the day. The day when all would know that it was Him and only Him who had kept Joshua alive for such a time as this. Our mighty God, faithful to save, has kept your sweet Joshua tucked under His wing--He called you and John to go, and faithfully, you went. And today we stand in awe of His miracles done again and again for His Joshua, your precious Joshua.
Thank you Martins for keeping the faith. Thank you for your obedience, no matter how tough the going got, no matter how many mountains stood in the way, Thank you for going. Thank you for being a part of God's rescue plan. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of Joshua's miracle. Oh how my heart rejoices with so many others who have fallen in love with your boy!
Thank you Lord! Thank you for hearing our prayers! Thank you for 7 1/2 years of miracles on behalf of an orphan, who has always had a Heavenly Father looking out for him. Thank you for giving Joshua a family, thank you for calling the Martins to be that family. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. In Jesus Mighty Healing Name, Amen and Amen!
Sharing in your indescibable joy!
Tina, on behalf of the Winder/Rodriguez clan
Yippee Jesus! The Great Physician indeed!! Awesome news...still praying!
Speechless...and very thankful and praiseful!
Tears of joy here! Thank you Lord for protecting Joshua since the day he was born. Thank you for this group of doctors who will be performing the surgery. Thank you for the loving parents that Joshua now calls mom and dad! Thank you Sonia and John for allowing us to follow along on your journey of faith and love.
ReplyDeleteoh. my. goodness. The wonders God does for us :)
ReplyDeleteGrateful for today's findings!
praying for Monday
Crying here too! God is good!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great cry! I just read it all aloud to my husband and cried more. Just in awe of what God must have in store for this sweet boy. I can't even find words, other than miraculous! Praise God!!
ReplyDeleteAmazing, awesome, wonderful, fabulously great news!!! I am so excited to see how God is holding this little guy in the palm of His hand. A miracle for sure!
ReplyDeleteCrying and chills from head to toe! Our God is a God of miracles!! Awesome! Amazing! And Incredible!! Continuing to pray. God has a special plan for this special boy! Blessings, Sherry Semlow
ReplyDeleteNOTHING is impossible with God!!!! A quote from my Bible Study today..
ReplyDelete"God gives us all that he can trust us with to give away (share) with others!" You are glorifying God through every prayer, every word you type, and through every praise... Joshua has been, and is in His Mighty Grip! Praise God for that!!!!
So happy for you all!!!!
Blessings, and prayers from MN for the journey ahead!!
Miracle upon Miracle abounds! Wow! Thank you Jesus!
ReplyDeleteI cry every time I start to type! Our Father is amazing!
Our Father is INCREDIBLE!!! So, so, so happy...I'm crying tears of joy!
ReplyDeleteamazing. we are just in awe. incredible.
ReplyDeletepraying for your whole family everyday.
keep us posted.
praying for monday
amazing. just amazing.
Heard about your story & started following. Have been thinking of Joshua and all of you, especially since you got 'home'. What wonderful news and hopefully one of the translators is helping Joshua understand that after this 'rough hospital stay', he will-God willing- have the carefree life a little boy should have & soon be able to run & play with his new brothers. Will continue to think of you and send up extra prayers. Pam
ReplyDeletePraise God for whom all blessings flow!
ReplyDeletePraise Him all creatures here below!
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts!!
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!!!!
Speechless. Totally speechless. We serve a MIGHTY God! Sonia, glory is right,
ReplyDeleteMIGHTY is our God! Wow! I am in awe of the hand of our Father! God is so so so good!
ReplyDeleteWhen I read these beautiful words about his miraculous heart, this is the song that came to mind. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Praise be to God! You stepped out in faith, and now Joshua will have life! Amen and Amen!
ReplyDeleteIsn't He AWESOME?!?!?! As I read through your "doctor report"... which I have to say you relayed quite well :) I kept thinking..Whoa! No way! Get out! Then I was grinning from ear to ear! That's our guy! I am watching things unfold like they did for our son and know that this is only from the Lord! LOVE IT! We continue to lift your family up in prayer and as you get closer to Monday, will pray for your family for peace, comfort while you wait, and for anyone who cares for your precious son. On a side oldest son has been reading your blog with me and praying for Joshua. When he saw the post when he was flying home, he saw the picture of his Sponge Bob balloon and saw that he was watching Star Wars the Clone Wars and said, "Mom!" "He is so cool!" :) Thinking of and praying for your family and please let us know if you could use a meal or a new frosty delivered :)
A miracle in deed! Our God is so mighty! We love you and continue to pray for your sweet family!!
ReplyDeletePRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!! Oh Sonia!!!!! What an awesome God we serve!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGlory to God who has had HIs mighty hand on Joshua's life. Knowing, planning, preparing both him and you for this great day. Can't wait to see what He has in store for this amazing boy. Hallelujah! Praising God in Colorado on your behalf tonight!! He is mighty to save!
ReplyDeleteJust truly amazing! A Miracle!! A miracle only GOD could perform!!! I will continue to pray for a successful surgery. Love and hugs my gorgeous and amazing friend!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think you did an awesome job explaining it!!!! I got it! :)
I was thinking the same thing as Sally-Girl:
ReplyDeletePraise God from Whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son,and Holy Ghost!
Tears of joy and gratitude. Thanks for your fabulous explanation that helps us even more to know how great is our God.
ReplyDelete"Heal me, Oh Lord, and I will be healed. Save me and I will be saved. For You are the One I praise." Jer 17:14 As for me, speechless...
ReplyDeleteThank God!
ReplyDeleteHow is the communication going?
It is so incredible to have to have the Chinese Christian Church to help you!
This whole story is truly amazing!
I am speechless! But, why should I be when we pray and ask a great big God!
ReplyDeletePraise You Lord!!!
Wow,Wow,Wow, WOW, WOW, WOW
ReplyDeletePraising God with you! He is so good! Great are His purposes and Mighty are His Deeds!!!!!!
Posted that email on my blog I sent you 6 weeks ago and directing people to this story to SHOW the awesome power of God and how He is MIGHTY to save. I am so excited for your family, for JJ and cannot WAIT to see what God enfolds for your miracle!
ReplyDeleteok- this is my THIRD attempt at leaving comment-- did 2 wonderful,awe-inspiring, scripture-filled comments last night- would've brought tears to your eyes- but alas, they didn't publish...
ReplyDeletebut your post DID give me shivers-- i just KNEW china's diagnosis had to be wrong! and the duct being open-- i think if they looked more closely-- andyou might want to suggest this, as i play a cardioligist on TV-- i think they'll find God's fingerprints ALL OVER that duct-- imean not just a partial likeon CSI and they have to search the data base for days--- but like complete,perfectfingerprintsofGod (my space bar is breaking-- can you tell?) so if you're not peeing your pants laughing already-- go drink another coffee- but watch out for that ice melt-- :) sohappyforyou (there goes my space bar again)and willbe praying monday!
Praise you God! Thank you God for allowing us to "see" all of your mighty works !
ReplyDeleteThis is what I was studying with the kids right before we pulled up your blog- memory verse- "those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 today's question: God helps us persevere, butweneedto do our part too-what are 3 things things you can do to help yourself peseverve? One kid yelled - adopt-adopt-adopt!!! ;0)
Praying for Joshua to be running soon!! Much love
Amazing! Amazing. What a privilege to see the power of God at work. Can't wait to see what God's plan is for that special little boy of yours!
ReplyDeleteAll I have to say is WOW! So thrilled for you guys and your new little miracle. Prayers speeding your way from Montgomery.
ReplyDeleteOveryjoyed for all of you and praising God for the miracle.
ReplyDeleteSUCH AWESOME NEWS!!!!!!!! One of our daughter had the SAME diagnosis in China (inoperable) but had the same open duct that should have closed at birth and God kept it open until she could have surgery (but not for 7 1/2 years!). HE IS SO AMAZING!!! And it's such a great lesson not to give up on these kids despite a terrifying diagnosis! REJOICING with you!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAmazing! Yup! Simply amazing!!! Too amazing to mess up with words! Just a "thank you, Jesus" is all I can say!