Thank you.
No seriously.
Yesterday was rough.
Like rough, rough.
Like rough, rough, rough, rou....never mind.
Yesterday was a hard day.
I kinda felt like the floor dropped out beneath me.
My theory.....cuz ya know....I am a cardiologist after all....ahem....not
is that all of this travel and going from here to there, getting car sick, being off of his normal schedule and experiencing a massive shift in increased activity has taken it's toll on his little body.
As in he went from doing relatively fine the first day
to not doing anywhere close to fine by the time their first evening rolled around.
Today is a better day.
Everything has been re-booked, rescheduled and they flew early yesterday morning to GZ which is where they are now.
He looks better today
He seems to feel better today
He had a much better night's sleep last night
and he's got a daddy and brother who are basically giving him anything he wants.
After the craziness of the last 24 hours John hasn't had a chance yet to send me any pictures but I managed to snap this on Skype this morning
Sweet boy.
He was actually up and out of bed!
Thank you for all of your suggestions about translators.
What the heck did I do before I had a blog posse?
The encouragement,
the prayers,
even an offer to order us pizza for dinner from someone I've never met on the other side of the country.
I asked for one random person that spoke Mandarin to meet us on Saturday night at the hospital and instead God gave me the head of a large Chinese Christian Church that is going to personally meet us as we roll in on Saturday and his staff and congregation are going to rotate stopping in to see Joshua and speak with him each day we are there.
Joshua get's Mandarin AND Jesus loving people all in one.
That blows. me. away.
Our change fee with the airline is fully covered.....seriously....thank you.
I am humbled beyond words.
I sent the update and three hours later sat in front of my computer again only to discover that it was fully funded at 110%.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us Ephesians 3:20
Immeasurably more than we can ask or even imagine...
That's truth.
That's love.
That's the hands and feet of Christ.
I am ever. ever. grateful.
3 days till home.
Something to Say ‘Yes’ To
2 days ago
Thanks for the update. So incredible to see God's hand again. You guys continue to be in our prayers. Love you all!
ReplyDeleteThe Saylors
Thanks for the finger hurts from refreshing. I haven't begged God for anything this hard in a long time. I begged for God to allow JJ to get to FEEL his mother's arms around him and get the chance to KNOW what it is like to have brothers and an earthly father. Thank you God for answered prayers. Ask anything you need and we will move heaven and earth to get it for you and your boys
ReplyDeleteWow. Crying into my coffee and keyboard, praising God for His goodness!
Praise God!! He is so amazing! So many answered prayers!
ReplyDeleteSo Thankful he is in GZ and heading home soon!
God is so good!!
Thank you for the update!
I am SO excited for you dear friend. It can be SO difficult sometimes to ask for help; but I am just LOVING watching God answer that vulnerability to allow the body of Christ to come together - in such a God fashion. Excited about the translators. Excited they love Jesus. Excited that JJ seems to be doing better. Excited you are one day closer to wrapping your arms around him.
ReplyDeleteOh Sonia . . I am praying on my knees praying. He is listening . . he is hearing all of us.
ReplyDeleteI was just grumbling to my hubby about that "lovely, caring, compassionate" airline who insisted upon charging your family in this emergency situation, when I looked and all the money had been received! Yeah, God!! And what an amazing blessing to have a church rally around Joshua and your family. God has such grand plans for your little fighter!!
ReplyDeleteI stand amazed once again at our miracle working God. Still praying....
Once again crying as I read your post out loud to Tom as we drive to CHOP with today. God is indeed able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. Glory to Him. The way He is moving mountains and abundantly meeting your family's every need is encouraging me as we continue on our medical journey with Lilly and wait patiently for Isabel. So glad to be part of your blog posse. Thx for keeping us updated.
ReplyDeleteI prayed for exactly the same thing as Shelly. Wow! This post really made my day. Will continue to pray for you guys.
ReplyDeleteSonia, I only hope you don't think me a creepy internet stalker when I tell you, I love you so, so much. You and your family are amazing. "What the World Needs Now is Love" -- you and your family LIVE that. L-I-V-E it. You've done so much more than give a home, family, & love to 3 former orphans. You've provided an amazing example of how our world is NOT as bleak, violent, or horrible as many would make it out to be. It's chock full of wonderful people like you and all of those who so faithfully are following your journey.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jesus for so many answered prayers!
ReplyDeleteOh so very thankful to know that your guys are safely in Guangzhou, and finishing up quickly. More thankful to know that your Joshua is looking and feeling better. Grateful to see the Lord "pulling everything together" day and night on both sides of the world! He is faithful!
Continuing to pray for all of you, Sonia.
Love from Texas,
I'm counting down the days with you!!
ReplyDeleteI am in Hangzhou right now and have spent the last few days with your family. We have a lot of pictures we would like to send you, but John accidentally gave us the wrong email address. Please contact us at
Praise the Lord for His provision in all realms!!!! Praying, praying, praying...
ReplyDeleteso very awesome!Zephaniah 3:17 comes to mind as well as one of my favorite sons... Mighty To Save :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. Praying for your family!
ReplyDeleteTears are rolling. Praying those boys home!
ReplyDeletePraying for all of you and looking forward to seeing the amazing things that God has in store for your family.
ReplyDeletePraising God for TODAY! and praying for tomorrow and the next several. Three days until his mother can comfort and hold him. We've got a whole bunch of folks up here in the northeast praying lots and lots!
ReplyDeleteWas praying yesterday when I saw your post and still praying today. Started crying when I saw your post today (thankful and joyful crying), then had to go to a meeting, came home and shared this with my hubby causing both of us to tear up. I am constantly amazed and humbled by what our awesome God can do! Thank you for sharing your life and family with all of us and allowing us to see God's love lived out in so many ways. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers.
ReplyDeleteTrying not to cry while sitting at work. SO happy that things are moving along and that he might be feeling a little bit better. Continued prayers for God's goodness over Joshua and your family.
So glad he is doing better! Continuing to pray...
ReplyDeleteI could cry about this with joy but I cried my eyes out earlier today (gotta love those random emotional moments) God is better to us than we deserve and your son deserves the minions of Gods army praying for him right now!
ReplyDeleteGod is good!!!! Praising Him for all His provisions!! Continuing to keep you all in prayer!
ReplyDeletePraise God! HE is SO good!
ReplyDeleteI have goose bumps. Praise the Lord! Continuing to pray.....
ReplyDeleteStephanie O'D
God is so good and ALIVE.
ReplyDeletePraise Him for His gracious blessings.
Send Joshua and the rest of the J's my love!
You're the best. xoxoxoxoxoxo
Thank you for the inspiration!
Isn't God amazing?!?! I pray everything will work out for the best!
love to you Sonia.
ReplyDeletethanks for the update.
I'm not surprised how God is covering all the bases! This is the God we serve and obey and boldly take risks for. You did just that, obeyed, moved forward, stood up and said YES to this adoption. He's got it all covered.
Oh how I love HIM!
we are all so blessed to read your blog.
get some sleep, HE'S COMING SOON!
Praise and hugs
ReplyDeleteWow! I am so sorry I am not seeing all of this until right now. What amazing resources that God has coordinated!! Thank you, Lord that they are going to be home so soon!! Praying for your entire family!!
ReplyDeleteJennifer (baseballs to bows) this is the only way it will let me comment!!!
Wow! God is so amazing! I know it's a lot easier to sit here and watch it unfold, but it was thrilling to read what God has been doing for you guys in the past 24 hours. Hugs!!
ReplyDeletetears in my eyes as i read this post, sonia! God is amazin'! i absolutely LOVE that verse Eph 3:20. thanks so much for sharing all with us...God is good!!
ReplyDeleteHave to agree with the rest. What a privilege you have given to us who follow your blog. Therefore, encourage one another and build up one another just as you also are doing.--1 Thess.5:11 Watching our God answer prayers for your family in such amazing ways is an encouragement for all of us to believe Him in a greater way.
ReplyDeletePraying for strength and courage for you and John and a successful surgery for Joshua.
Donna O.
ReplyDeleteJust catching up!! Congratulations on your new precious boy!!!!! I had the privilege of meeting Elisyn in China. She and Jeff were in our Guangzhou group... So, I was so happy Jaime posted your blog!!!! I will be praying for Joshua to do well on the flight, and for all of you as you prepare to do whatever it takes to care for your new son!!! Lifting you up in Minneapolis!
God is good! I am praying so much for JJ and your family! Big hugs!!! So happy that the change is fully funded. This whole adoption experience takes a toll - but that's when we get to see how awesome God is. :)
ReplyDeleteso,now I am crying!! Love the Chinese church...that is just the best! oh, and the pizza too! God is amazing......